Appledoo's Royalgames Archive

Hi. It’s been roughly a week since I last updated this.
This is more of a correction reply than anything.

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Right, about these…

So once upon a time, King decided to partner with the folks at Mochi to distribute some of King’s games on Flash game sites. This used a special subdomain; After the SWF attempts to connect to it and can’t, it shows

  • Under maintenance page
  • In certain cases, what appears to be a King error page featuring a construction monkey with a wrench (and a small preview of the freeroll page, for some reason?)

Editing the SWF to change all instances of gets most of these “ad games” working in JPEXS; after checking what it requests in Wireshark, it appears to POST to .../servlet/AdGameServlet to grab the data for the game as if it was on Royalgames. It then grabs a 310x198 version of the logo for whatever you’re playing, and loads to a start menu page.

There is no way in hell I will manage to get this working locally.

It didn’t work because editing the SWF with ActionScript corrupted it. I didn’t really need to ask him, but hey, he’s the Moe, he knows what he’s doing.

With a bit of help from LeoV on the Flashpoint discord server, we managed to get this game fully working and randomized.

No it wasn’t. The SWFs for Model Studio and Top Model are literally the same.

…right, here’s what I’ve found on 1 vs. 100.

Loading the page that I linked to has the Flash plugin blocked by Chrome. Kinda spooky, but whatever. It then loads .../ctl/PracticeGameControl.swf?1565025064807 (which contains some hilariously tiny text reading Starting...) before attempting to POST OpenGameServlet 4 times. The problem with this is that the POST lacks parameters or some stupid shit like that I don’t understand, so the servlet contains a whole bunch of nothing, making the game not load.

However, it appears that a flash loader is still up. Checking this in JPEXS however to look for potential assets reveals nothing more than disappointment;

   if(_root.percentDone != undefined)
      _root.percentDoneTxt.text = _root.percentDone + "%";

I’m just throwing shit around, but presumably it gets the asset to the game from the servlet, then uses this loader to show how much of the game has loaded?

This actually makes no sense. Whatever.

None of these will ever work, because the page where they would’ve been embedded has been lost to time and trying to Frankenstein my own didn’t work.

Luxor has been working since January. Somebody from the Sphere Matchers discord found it on a Chinese website.

That’s all.

It’s been 27 days since I last updated this.


You shouldn’t.


After doing a bit of research on King’s servlets, as I am a bit rusty at this, this appears to be the case. Let’s take a look at the Chain Reaction gameData servlet, shall we?

<server slot="123456789069420" response="0" playtime="2" playtime-ms="2214">
<game height="440" path="/games/chain_reaction.swf?_v=1knjs2i" playertype="flash" width="750"><gamedata skilllevel="3" timelimit="300" randomseed="1608270835" postdelay="3">
    <text id="score">SCORE</text>
    <text id="timeup">TIME UP</text>
    <text id="next_level">NEXT LEVEL</text>
    <text id="level">LEVEL</text>
    <text id="instruction">Touching molecules numbering 3 or more can be removed. To get a coin remove the molecule it is resting on.</text>
    <text id="levelup">LEVEL UP!</text>
    <text id="final">YOU GOT</text>
    <text id="end">END GAME</text>
    <text id="time">TIME LEFT</text>
    <text id="gameover">GAME OVER</text>

To be specific, this part;

<game height="440" path="/games/chain_reaction.swf?_v=1knjs2i" playertype="flash" width="750">

Thus, assuming 1 vs. 100 had its servlets formatted like this, I can only assume that, after recieving the servlet, the loader would pop up and begin loading the SWF for 1 vs. 100, and then the SWF would parse the XML data contained within the servlet and use it for the text and results of the game.

In other words, bullshit server emulation causes teenager to have aneurysm. More at 11.

New stuff

Jungle Bubble and Jungle Bubble Speed: As it happens, these both use the same SWF. Using the debug mode defaults to the speed version, however modifying the debug gameData from this;

<gamedata gametype=\"speed\">

to this;

<gamedata gametype=\"normal\">

gets it to use the graphics of Jungle Bubble; you just need to set the time limit to 300 seconds (or 5 minutes) and it’s basically like running the original.

Sudoku Sweep: I found this on one of the /partnerpages/ pages on Royalgames. It works locally, which is what I prefer when doing this; of course, this is impossible for Zuma or Luxor, etc, but that isn’t the point.

Amazing Adventures: Lost Tomb: Requests a XML with the debug mode on; presumably the debug data. This is also contained in the SWF; using this data after some black magic fuckery, however, doesn’t get the game working. It makes the game load the intro, but it doesn’t load the instructions, making the game unplayable.

Princess Peony, Puzzle Mana: Worked standalone.

I’m done. Howard is bald.


A note on the ActiveX game, Attaqua

As it happens, Flashpoint’s resident kiwi eientei95 was doing something related to the ActiveX games (looking for the files, perhaps) when he found out that the game Attaqua was multi-asset…by finding the external assets using some bullshit I don’t understand. (3.7 MB) (135.4 KB)

This, of course, doesn’t make the game any easier to get working properly; the game itself comes in a DLL, and ActiveX stuff needs to be .cab to work properly [citation needed]. Presumably the file still hosted on Royalgames has something to do with it.

That’s all. Next time I update this, hopefully I’ll have found the files for Crescendo Catcher.


A note on the King port of Zuma

In the Flashpoint server, Flashpoint’s resident kiwi eientei95 managed to get Zuma working without the need of hacks. I don’t exactly have anything else to say.

Hopefully, this means that the debug mode workaround will be made obsolete soon.

(Don’t try going to, it’s a 404 guaranteed. Eientei is using the confines of the Flashpoint web server for this.)

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