[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

its almost here boys

It’s the classic WLM 2011 troll.

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no, shh :stuck_out_tongue:
#positivity #hype #wlm2009 #idk


I found out the exact problem WLM 2009 has with Escargot’s msidcrl solution, courtesy of @tristanleboss:


Basically, there’s an incompatibility with the way our msidcrl solution returns the PassportIdentityHandle (the user information) structure to WLM 2009, and thus WLM doesn’t log in (or on Windows 7, crashes). Luckily, the same person was looking into the structure of the actual user information container for WLM 2012, which I assume is the same for WLM 2009, but he never finished reverse-engineering that. :frowning:

Might be too late to finish looking into the structure though, as no other reverse engineers on our team are present…


Why don’t you make him finish reverse engineering?

No, MSNP21 does not work with the testing server. Someone actually tried to use WLM 2012 on the testing server.

Because he’s been offline from development for several months and we don’t know what’s going on in his life to understand why.

Why can we see WLM 2009 in the stats of escargot?

Apparently it’s a bug from… Idk but actually it’s not WLM 2009

its a troll

Yeah, exactly.

blame the /b/tards of 4chan

420th post, nice.

Let’s 421 :stuck_out_tongue:


So…no hype? :stuck_out_tongue:

No,JUST WAIT FOR IT GODAMM %$#^#%@$%%#$%$#%

Hey guys. I have two updates:

  1. All WLM 2009 and miscellaneous commits will be pushed to the master branch, now that @valtron got everything merged.
  1. I finally fixed the login bug for MSNP18, which took me lots of cache clearing to find out. That’s been pushed to master, too. I’m hoping this fixes everyone’s issue with logging in to WLM 2009. :slight_smile:


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wait, does that mean we can log in with 2009 patched soon or now?
if now, are there any patching instructions? if soon, well it would still be nice to know


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