[Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved!

hypercam 2 is free now

There are some people who still want the watermark. newer versions of hypercam removed it.

I was wrong [Archive] After a year of being puzzled, we've finally got the WLM 2009 problem solved! - #151 by TLWXPUser

(Edit: 300 post!)

(2nd Edit: I don’t wanna be a “Leo Historias” But WE WAITED 2 YEARS)

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Maybe he just tried with an un-patched version

there is no patched version of wlm 2009

Although i could be completly wrong because i haven’t heard anything other than the “circles” thing making everything slow down.

OhHelloThere said that he was waiting for Cuki… which has a fork. that was last updated 4 months ago…

The last update i’ve heard was this.

  1. Cuki’s not a GitLab repo. He’s a person with a life like you and me.

  2. I was relying on his knowledge on WLM 2009’s internals, not his outdated Escargot repo fork. But now that I’m working on circle invites, there’s nothing else I need to learn from him, since he’s stuck on those, too.

Doesn’t mean you have the right to hijack it. :unamused:

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I said “Which has a fork”. not “Which is a fork”.

@OhHelloThereImTheGuy doesn’t mean that @Cuki87 has a fork with fancy working code for WLM 2009. He might have a server for WLM written in Java but even then @OhHelloThereImTheGuy needs his knowledge of the MSNP protocol.

That was about his question on bans.

Also @Craftplacer I thought he meant Cuki was literally a Git repo with a fork.


hey stop the drama. Here, have some chocolate :chocolate_bar:


Can you tell me the exact date of the release, please? :smile:

what are circles?


Joking,but circles on WLM 2009 are basicly groups


oh well, im getting hyped for wlm 2009. :wink::smiley::smiley::smile::smile:

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Q2 2019, assuming all goes well

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Yeah. I’m going to say Q2 2019 as well, If it’s way too long (shouldn’t be), then it’s going to be a Q3.

At this point it’s more of a who knows when this thing will get released due to the confusing nature of Circle invites and the social networking dependencies needed for Circles.

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And what about Wlm 2009 beta versions ?

Actually, that sounds more feasible than trying to get the final build of the client working. I’ll consider that.

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