Windows Live Messenger 2009 WLM 9 Is here?

When got updated a stat subpage was made and that subpage shows the escargot server and in some old logs shows a user who is on WLM 2009

@valtron is hiding something

Just read the following topic’s:

This is intresting.

My theory is that valtron is maybe testing some server “stuff” on WLM 2009, somehow.
Or somekind of server developer somehow got access to WLM 2009.

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playing with the CVR command is fun :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

how does one use it to ghost his version or something

It’s something you send when authenticating.

i just realised that CVR is a acronym for “Client VeRsion”, must be sent at a really early part of the sign-in process

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