Fansites for other old IM clients?

Hey there! I found this site while browsing around and finding a circa-2006 recreation of MSN on my webhost, and I think this is all really cool that ya’ll are reviving a previously-dead IM client. I have mad nostalgia for these types of things, and it’s really cool to see all of you doing this.

I have a question that’s unrelated to MSN, though… are there any sites like MessengerGeek for other old IM clients, like AIM or ICQ? I’d love to figure out how to run the older AIM clients again with a program or some other tweak or something. If anyone knows, feel free to link me in a reply. Thanks!

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AIM is still running, icq is also still running but yes I think there are other fansites for those. those fan sites do not have control over AIM nor over ICQ. I cannot provide links through here as this here is only for msn. Thanks for stopping by though. we hope you stay with us and use msn to chat around the community. maybe bring some friends you’ve had on msn messenger/windows live messenger. :smile:

(we have control over msn messenger’s come back development/runner as there was a replacement server setup through our own efforts to help each other do it.)

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I don’t know about AIM but you can still use ICQ. The oldest version you can log in successfully is 2001b

98a and 99b do not work for some reason

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Alright, but how do I sign up for an account without downloading their new client or inputting my phone number? I’ve never been able to figure that out from their new website.

It looks like you HAVE to enter a phone number to create a new account

The register button is on the sign in box through icq’s website and the same for aim.

I bet there’ll be a fansite for AIM soon, since it’s just been announced that AIM’s shutting down.

how did you get that to work?? I can’t seem to get icq pro2003 to open whatosever, even after installing.

any news on aim stuff