Erro 81000314

Faça o seguinte: vá no Internet Explorer, clique em Ferramentas > Opções da Internet. Lá, vá em Avançado e na parte da “Segurança” verifique se a caixa de seleção “Usar TLS 1.0” está marcada e a “Usar SSL 2.0” está desmarcada. Aplique essas ações caso não estiverem do jeito que citei e tente fazer logon no seu Messenger.

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ja fiz isso

Já fez isso depois de restaurar as configurações do IE?


guy, not work angin

cara outra pf

there is an option that your ISP blocks access to the host
You can also try this method:

Launch CMD and navigate to %appdata%\microsoft.
CD %appdata%\microsoft
Dir /s ListCache.dat
Decide if you want to delete the cache.
Del /s ListCache.dat
Restart your MSN Messenger.

and also

Yes, that’s what it is supposed to happen. Try again.

the site worked but msn did not

Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling?

good idea

no worked

Try version 7.5. Maybe it can connect more easily.

all right

now the error 800048821

Same error as I had. Just corrected it by restarting IE’s advanced settings.

Thank you man

is the following now showing the login error and password and I have already reset IE settings :frowning: